The game is available on the Platforms Linux, Mac, Microsoft Windows. And there is also a weather system to grow crops in the game. In the game, there is enough time to make strategies for killing your opponent. One will feel good and excited as they get involved with the community. The Wakfu gameplay asks the players to take the adventure and get the mission done. Starting the Wakfu game will show you the basic tutorials, and you can choose from the fifteen classes. It is based on tactics combats in an MMORPG environment. Wakfu is one of the alternative sets of Fire Emblem.
You can play this game only on an Android device. In the game, the players enjoy the evil powers which are so furious. You can choose your characters from the four styles given, and each of them has different stats.

The gameplay of this game allows you to turn-based role-playing. As a player, you will protect the human race and will build a society when you are fighting against evil. Heroes of Steel game will take you in the post-apocalyptic world where you will get experience in the Gothic age fantasy. This game is available for Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows. The gameplay does not have so much strategy-making, but it has some levels and missions to complete. All the rules you need to bring are like fighting with the enemy and kill them or claim new grounds. When you play the game, your role is in blue where you should take all the orders and complete it. In this game, the players get a place in the blue army, and they fight against the Red army. And in some cases, quadruple enemies with the brave weapons.Great Big War Game is about two armies- Red and Blue armies. He also has decent speed that allows him to double a lot of enemies. Allowing him to use brave weapons upon joining. He benefits greatly from his B rank in axes along with swords. Like Raven, his stats for he joins are great. Access to axes is a bonus, as well as his solid stats and HM gains. Easily the most powerful unmounted swordsman. Combined with him being a mounted unit, he is a great unit for attacking and getting other units around a map. Which means that he is able to take much more hits than Kent and Sain on average. Compared to the other cavaliers, he is much more focused on defense and HP. Making it more likely for him to double most of Lyn mode's axe users and in Eliwood/Hector's mode. Despite him having lower base strength than Sain, he has better speed and skill. He starts off with a better strength stat than Kent and he's a mounted unit. However, he is prone to not doubling and his movement is poor. Oswin's defense is amazing, making him for the most part, invincible to most melee attacks. It also allows the same unit to attack, use a staff or use the arena twice. Having another unit move again is vital for low turn count runs because it can lead to crazy rescue drops when it is done in the right way. She is able to travel longer distances, rescue and drop units to safety, and is able to use Canto. Priscilla: she is a mounted healer, meaning that she has benefits similar to Paladins and Cavaliers.Pent is a really good character in dangerous situations, as he is not only able to do tons of damage, but he can also heal a lot even with a heal staff due to his high magic. Pent is a well-rounded sage, who once recruited will be one of your better magic users. Luckily she's a Paladin, arguably one of the best classes, which compensates for her middling defenses. Isadora: Where Marcus lacks in speed, Isadora lacks in hp and con, which along with her middling strength limits what weapons she can use, thus making it a lot harder if the enemy is bulky.Florina/Fiora: Florina has more availability if Lyn mode is played while Fiora is better combat wise if Lyn mode isn't played, both provide flight utility which is useful in a few chapters.He starts off as a Paladin which is the best class in the game due to being mounted which adds rescue utility and canto, having great base stats, having three weapon types, two of which have 1-2 range, makes him a force to reckon with for most of the game. Marcus: Marcus is available from chapter 11 in Eliwood mode or chapter 12 in Hector mode.